MediaWiki API help
This is an auto-generated MediaWiki API documentation page.
Documentation and examples:
(main | cargoquery)
- This module requires read rights.
An SQL-style query used for data tables, provided by the Cargo extension (
- limit
Limit how many entries to return
- No more than 500 (5,000 for bots) allowed.
- Default: 50
- tables
The Cargo database table or tables on which to search
- fields
The table field(s) to retrieve
- where
The conditions for the query, corresponding to an SQL WHERE clause
- join_on
Conditions for joining multiple tables, corresponding to an SQL JOIN ON clause
- group_by
Field(s) on which to group results, corresponding to an SQL GROUP BY clause
- having
Conditions for grouped values, corresponding to an SQL HAVING clause
- order_by
The order of results, corresponding to an SQL ORDER BY clause